Association for Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health

Thank you for participating in

Dr. Raylene Phillips' presentation at

The Birth Healing Summit.

APPPAH would like to invite you to learn more about birth psychology with this gift.


FREE access to this APPPAH LIVE: Exploring Birth Psychology presentation.

Perspective on Childbirth
with Anna Maria Rossetti, Midwife

You will be intellectually stimulated by this informational presentation with midwife Anna Maria Rossetti. This presentation, for all birth practitioners, highlights the imporance of how the psychoneuroendocrine perspective links to the individuals biological process of giving birth and being born to their emotions, behaviors, and neuromodulation. These complex processes happen in the mother's brain during pregnancy, and though often outside of our awareness, are a vital preparation for birth and life.

This presentation is part of the library of birth psychology recordings available only to APPPAH Premier Members. To view the recording, click the button below.